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2024 Flat Rents Schedule

The FY 2015 Appropriations Act further amended the public housing rent requirements for flat rents. Specifically, the statute was amended to require that flat rents must be set at no less than the lower of 80 percent of:

  1. the applicable fair market rent established under section 8(c) of this Act; or

  2. at the discretion of the Secretary, such other applicable fair market rental established by the Secretary that the Secretary determines more accurately reflects local market conditions and is based on an applicable market area that is geographically smaller than the applicable market area used for purposes of the applicable fair market rental under section 8(c);

The information below reflects the 2024 Public Housing Flats Rents.

Calhoun Apt, Carver Apt, Louise St Bell St

  • 1 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $709.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $567.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $83.00
    • Flat Rents - $484.00

  • 2 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $905.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $724.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $104.00
    • Flat Rents - $620.00

  • 3 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,275.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,020.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $115.00
    • Flat Rents - $905.00

  • 4 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,409.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,127.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $130.00
    • Flat Rents - $997.00

Bowie St, Robinson St

  • 2 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $905.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $724.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $109.00
    • Flat Rents - $615.00

  • 3 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,275.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,020.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $121.00
    • Flat Rents - $899.00

  • 4 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,409.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,127.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $137.00
    • Flat Rents - $990.00

Washington St, Moffat St

  • 1 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $709.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $567.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $85.00
    • Flat Rents - $482.00

  • 2 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $905.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $724.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $110.00
    • Flat Rents - $614.00

  • 3 Bedroom
    • FY 2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,275.00
    • 80% of FY2024 Unadjusted Rents - $1,020.00
    • Less Utility Allowance - $122.00
    • Flat Rents - $898.00

In order to comply with the flat rent requirements annually, no later than 90 days after issuance of new FMRs or SAFMRS by HUD the PHA must:

  1. Compare the current flat rent amount to the applicable FMR and SAFMR/unadjusted rent.
    1. If the flat rent is at least 80 percent of the lower of the FMR or SAFMR/unadjusted rent, the PHA is in compliance with the law, and no further steps are necessary;
    2. If the flat rent is less than 80 percent of the lower of the FMR and SAFMR, the PHA must set flat rents at no less than 80 percent of the lower of the FMR or SAFMR/unadjusted rent, subject to the utilities adjustment in section 5 of Notice PIH-2015-13 (HA), or the PHA may request an exception flat rent pursuant to the requirements of section 4 of Notice PIH-2015-13 (HA);

  2. Update the flat rent policies in the Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policies (ACOP) as necessary;

  3. At new admissions, permit the family to choose between the flat rent amount and the income-based rent; and

  4. For families that are current public housing residents, offer the updated flat rent amount at the next annual rent option, and permit the family to choose between the flat rent amount and the income-based rent.